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Managing Sleep Over the Festive Season

Natalie Graham

Baby touching Christmas Tree

All the Christmas gatherings, seeing the lights, opening presents and staying over at in-laws can be quite overwhelming for our little ones. So whilst we can expect sleep to be disrupted, there are ways we can minimise that stress.

Here are my tips:

1. All the advice 

At this time of year, we are mingling with a lot more people which means more advice from well-meaning family. Stick to your guns and don't feel obliged to try all the suggestions! Certainly, don't make any drastic changes over Christmas.  

2. All the stimulation

There's also a lot more stimulation for our babies/toddlers and even older children which for some, can be too much. 

If you can see your child is getting worked up by being passed around, just have a few moments with your little one in a quieter space and help them relax. 

Don't ever apologise for a cranky baby over the festive season. I think there's a huge pressure on us as parents over the Christmas holidays to have a content and 'well-behaved' child and more often than not, they're going to show their emotions!

3. Change in routines 

If you're staying late, if lunch is over nap time, if you've got family staying over then routines can sometimes go a bit wonky.

Perhaps ask if you can arrive a little early to settle your baby – once the house get’s busy it can be even harder for them to fall asleep! Mine both slept wrapped up in the buggy outside on Christmas Day – it was the quietest place and I enjoyed stepping out in the fresh air to get them to nod off.

You know your child best and you know if they can stretch their wake window, if they need their usual bedtime routine to settle to sleep. Be flexible but hold your boundaries and prepare for the nights away by bringing all the comforts.

4. Prepare for the naps/night time sleep

Take everything you need to set them up for a nap; sound machine, favourite toy, comforter, blackout blind, book, and any other familiar items your baby uses for sleep.

If plans fall over bedtime, be prepared and either give your baby a bath at home before heading out, or try doing a mini bedtime routine at your friend or families house before putting them in the car. The hope is they will fall asleep on the way home and you can transfer them straight to bed! If they wake on transfer just repeat your last step or two of bedtime routine and get them down in their cot to sleep.

If your little one is sleeping away from home for the entire night, take some slept-in bedding as well as all the other items listed for above for the nap.

Keep sleep separate even when room sharing. If your child has their own sleep space at home, give them their own sleep space away too - a blow up bed with sleeping bag, or an inflatable toddler bed, kids play tent or travel cot are all great.

If your child is going to be sleeping like this, try a night of practice in their own room before you leave so it’s not totally new when you get there.

5. Get on the same page Talk to your partner and get on the same page before you leave or before guests arrive

  • Where will your child sleep?

  • How will you handle bedtime?

  • What happens if he wakes up in the middle of the night?

Will you bend any sleep rules? Arguing with your partner in the middle of the night... while you’re trying to get your kid back to sleep... and not wake up other house guests, isn’t fun. So, plan ahead!

6. Manipulate their sleep

If timings work, it could be an idea to wake little one up a bit earlier in the morning so they can get a nap in before you head out.

If you are going to be out most of the day - trying to get a decent first one in the cot will mean can you be so much more relaxed about the rest of the day.

Time journeys so they sleep on the way.

If they wake at their usual time anyway try to leave them in bed for 30 minutes or so (as long as they are happy!) they will at least still be resting and maybe even snooze a little!

Remember you can always use bed earlier, up to 60-90 minutes earlier if you need!

And if you can, follow a busy day with a calmer one so that it doesn’t all get completely overwhelming for a little one.

Whatever happens this Christmas you will always be able to get back on track in the New Year!

Have the most magical Christmas

(If you are thinking of working on your little one’s sleep in the new year, then I will be offering an extra week’s free support on my Gold and Platinum package booked anytime between now and end of Jan!)

Book a FREE 30 minute call now and let’s chat!


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